Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Today was Dolphin Day!  And it happened by accident.  The accident being that yesterday when we went into Bocas for grocery shopping day, I accidentally left some of the groceries at the Gourmet Store.  And, of course, they were the very things I most needed to get ready for our friends who are coming on Friday.  The eggs to make a cake, the chicken breast to bake (while baking the cake) and cut up for a stir fry.  Also the hamburger and ground pork for our first night dinner of tacos and the lunch meat for our hike on Saturday.  Well, you can imagine, I was not a happy camper!  

I did call the store where they confirmed that they were aware of my items being left and that they would hold them for me until the next day.  This morning it stormed.  Not just a little rain but big time storming.  So, I thought, well so much for that.  We can't go today.  But then about noon it cleared up and you would never have guessed that it had ever been otherwise.  So we set out for Bocas in Cricket and got about halfway across Dolphin Bay when the dolphins began to surface around us.  (We have been across that way many times but this has never happened before.)  It was wonderful and so the grocery accident thing turned out to be a blessing in disguise.  There they were putting on a great performance for us!What a  special day!


  1. trying to figure out this *&%%$@#$%%^& bloggin' thing..........from your electronically illiterate Saunders Lake Crew.....Have a night cap to this!!!!tinkle tinkle

  2. How AMAZING! I've been away and hadn't checked your blog for a bit until this morning. WOW....sounds like you are certainly having an adventure! Keep on dancin Diana!

