Monday, July 9, 2012

Sunset at Cerro Velero, Bocas del Toro, Panama

Final days at Cerro Velero

"Our days dwindle down to a precious few"  Yes, our time here is almost over.  It is early morning and I have just come back inside from watching and listening to the beginning of another day here in the jungle.  The bay was becoming increasingly more visible and there were a couple flickering lights across the way.  Probably from two sailboats moored there.  A few lingering fireflies twinkled in the bushes below the deck.

 The Howler monkeys are out in force this morning, announcing loudly their current locations and proclaiming their rights to forage there for  the day.  There are various bird calls, ranging from sharp and shrill to soft and melodious. There is the sound of distant thunder (Some mornings the thunder has been anything  but distant). Right now a soft rain is falling on the roof. (As opposed to the occasional torrential downpour)  A few roosters are crowing, reminders that all is not wild out there.

 I have been trying to record these sights and sounds for some future reference.  In case we never pass this way again, I hope to be able to close my eyes and return to this place and this time for a few moments.

On a lighter note, after having reported many of the things that have happened while we were here, it might be appropriate in this final Panama blog post to report some of the things that did not happen.  For example, I was not stung by a scorpion.  I did not trip and fall down the stairs or trail leading up to the house. (Well, I did slip once and sit down unexpectedly but that doesn't count.)  And most importantly (for this highly arachnophobic individual) I did not come back from a hike in the woods wearing a big spider on my head.(As the cacao farmer lady reports she often does.) 

So that about wraps it up.  We'll make one more shopping trip to town tomorrow, pick up our house sitting replacements in town on Friday, get them settled in and instructed on all things Cerro Velero, and then hand over the keys on Sunday. 

If all goes well, there will be a picture posted above of a truly amazing sunset that Lester captured a while back.  If it's not there, well, it did not all go well!

It's been a great adventure!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Rana Azul today.  Beef Stroganof  - Absolutely delicious!  That Austrian, Joseph, and his wife are good cooks!  But the big news is that this morning we saw a sloth in a tree down by our boat dock.  Carol spotted it and we watched as it slowly made it's way down a branch.  Here the locals refer to them as "slow monkeys". The fast monkeys, howlers, are getting close again.  We are hoping they will be in our back yard again tomorrow as Carol and Frank have to leave for California on Tuesday.