Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Descent into Senility

What next! The recent Green Toroise experience proved that I am no longer up to the challenge physically. Yesterday's experience proved that I am also losing mental capablilities. Here's the way it went down. (Fox news reporting language)
Yesterday was spent in final preparations for the upcoming almost three month absence. Laundry was done, folded and put away, refrigerator cleaned out of possible bacteria growing leftovers (even the last of the milk drunk, "Here I'll take care of that." says Lester) The few fresh veggies and fruits left over were passed on to a family member lest we be greeted in April with an unrecognizable slush in a bucket on the back porch. Beds were changed, Valuables locked away in a safe place (granted, that was a light and easy task), goodbys were said, bags were packed and waiting by the front door for Les's son to come by and whisk us off to the airport for our flight south in a few hours.
Then, oh so casually, Les says, "Let's see. Monday is Feb. 1st. Right?"
An alarm goes off in my head! Adrenalin shoots through my body! "What day is this?" I cry. "Saturday, Jan. 30th." he replies. A quick check of travel documents confirms my growing suspicion, our reservations are for Sunday evening, Jan. 31st.
So, except for a casual remark on my partner's part we would have been at the airport calling for a ride back home or sitting there for 24 hours with our faces lowered in shame. I ask you, What next!
There is an upside to this situation, however. (There usually is if one looks hard enough.) The upside is that we now have an extra day. A free day in which we are not obliged to do anything because it is all done. There's nothing left in the house to eat but we can sneak out to eat. Maybe we'll dress in disguise in case we run into any of the many people to whom we so ceremoniously bade farewell. But in any case we have an extra free day to do whatever we might choose to do.
Just one thing. For those of you who I have helped with travel advice; it might be wise to check your itineraries. If I have you scheduled to travel on Feb. 30 or Feb. 31 you may want to look into it more!


  1. I'm rolling on the ground, glad you got another day! God Please I hope you don't run into anybody you have already bid farewell to, sorry still laughing... LOL! Phillip

  2. Hi, Funny that experience sounds rather familiar to me. I was talking to my niece on the phone the night before I was scheduled to get up at 4 am, drive to San Francisco and get them at the airport and then rush back to Sacramento to pick up cousin Jack from Portland on the way home. My niece mentioned that she was going to Walmart the next day to find something for the trip. I said you can't do that you will already be over here. To which she replied NO we won't , we don't come in until July 2nd. Oops!! My sister said their flight was on the 1st--it was--but they were leaving Hawaii on the 1st and not arriving here until the 2nd. I know how you feel. The upside to that story??? I could drag cousin Jack out of bed the next day to accompany me to San Francisco in the middle of the night. I think I owe him one.

    Have a great trip. I love your blog!!!!

