Monday, November 22, 2010

We have been here on Caye Caulker for a week. Time flies here! The first two days were HOT! I went about setting up housekeeping. Unpacked and arranged all small appliances etc. then stood in front of the fan to cool off. Went grocery shopping and then stood in front of the fan again. So it went those two days, a little work alternating with fan time.

The next three days it rained. Not just a normal rain but torrential downpour with only brief periods of just heavy rain. The soccer field looked like a lake and was about ankle deep when we finally got out of the house. Fortunately we had food, TV, our computers and plenty of nap time.

Now we are returning to sunshine and regular island life.

Lester is trying to get the boat moved. It seems everyone in that neighborhood has been "watching" it for him. At first that seemed like such nice acts of friendship and thoughtfulness. But then they all wanted to be paid for this service. Ha!

The rain, low tides, locals in personal crisis, religious obligations, etc. have all combined to delay moving the boat. But we think this might finally be the day. Or maybe tomorrow!

We have been eating in and my little slow cooker has worked perfectly. But last night we went to the Wish Willy. We have been looking forward to eating there during this last summer and the meal far surpassed all our dreams about the event. This might have been our best meal ever anywhere. When he asked us what we wanted I just said "You decide and surprise us. I'm sure it's all good." So he brought us each a platter of grilled fish fillet, lobster, and steak along with rice and veggies. Everything was so good we just ate and sighed and smacked our lips and talked about it all the way home. He seasons everything to perfection. This meal, served with a rum and coke was $10 US each. Unbelievable!

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